Before an interview, it's best to do some research about the company. Read employee blogs, visit their websites, and even read a few news articles about the company. Twitter is also an excellent way to get an idea of what their company does and what their values are. Use these tools to build your confidence and show the interviewer that you understand their needs. This can also give you a better understanding of the company's culture and its latest product launch.

It's also wise to be on time. It's inevitable that your interviewer will be a few minutes late. Therefore, you'll want to be prepared. Set your alarm, check your reminder notifications, and place sticky notes on your bathroom mirror. It's also a good idea to dial into the conference call ahead of time. You'll also want to leave your home at least half an hour early, so you have time to get to work without traffic.
Bring extra copies of your resume. At least three copies are appropriate. If the organization offers business cards, bring extra copies with you. If you're not sure whether to bring three or four, you can always take four. You should also have a backup plan in case you're late. If possible, do a dry run before the interview. You can also practice your handshake. This way, you can be sure to do it right!
Remember this Interview Tip to arrive ten to fifteen minutes early. Make sure you look sharp and present yourself professionally. Your posture should be relaxed and alert, and your hands should be shaken firmly. Don't slouch or slump. This will give the impression that you are bored and uninterested in the interview. Keep eye contact with the interviewer and be empathetic and friendly. If the interviewer isn't comfortable, try to hide it.
Be friendly and professional. Smile and show interest in the company. It can also make you stand out from the crowd. You can use the interviewer's name to ask you questions, and try to remember to be friendly and approachable. Keeping eye contact with the interviewer will help you appear confident and knowledgeable. Be sure to ask them questions related to their business. If you don't have questions prepared, you should practice them beforehand.
Dress appropriately. It's best to dress neatly. Avoid wearing jeans or shorts. Ensure your nails are clean and pressed. If you're a man, you should wear a tie. In case you're a woman, you should be courteous and present yourself well. This is a great opportunity for you to impress your interviewer and sell yourself to the company. You should be as warm and approachable as possible.